Announcement of Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EMRA”) on Extension of Terms relating to Pre-License and Licenses, and Unlicensed Projects Connection Agreements 
Within the scope of the measures taken due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic, the remote and flexible working model has been adopted for public personnel with the Presidential Circular No. 2020/4, published in the Official Gazette no 31076, dated 22/03/2020. Having evaluated that market participants may suffer from the said measures applied against the Pandemic the Energy Market Regulatory Board (“Board”), with its decision dated 02/04/2020 and numbered 9276, has decided to extend the terms set forth for certain obligations of legal persons holding pre-license or generation license operating in the electricity market and real and legal persons who have signed a connection agreement within the scope of unlicensed generation facilities for three months. 
In this context, the Board has decided to extend the following terms that have already expired or will expire by or after 10/03/2020 in terms of legal persons holding pre-license or generation licenses under the Electricity Market Licensing Regulation (“Regulation”). The covered terms have been extended only once from the expiration date and for 3 (three) months without any need for an additional decision. The Board has authorized the Electricity Market Department in order to conduct any transactions if needed hereof.
The extended terms are as follows:
1. The pre-license term, the pre-construction period and the construction period under the generation license, the terms within the scope of Provisional Article 15 of the Regulation,
2. The terms regarding the amendment obligations of pre-license or generation license,
3. The terms regarding the obligations deriving from merger or division,
4. The terms regarding the obligations determined within the scope of the production license as a continuation of the old one,
5. The terms set forth for completion of the required information and documents under pre-license or license applications,
6. The terms laid down for the applications foreseen in the second paragraph of Article 18 of the Regulation.
The Board has also extended the term of connection agreements, signed under the Regulation on Unlicensed Electricity Production in Electricity Market, that have been or to be expired by or after 10/03/2020 for three months. 
Announcement of Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EMRA”) on Extension of Terms relating to Pre-License and Licenses, and Unlicensed Projects Connection Agreements 
Within the scope of the measures taken due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic, the remote and flexible working model has been adopted for public personnel with the Presidential Circular No. 2020/4, published in the Official Gazette no 31076, dated 22/03/2020. Having evaluated that market participants may suffer from the said measures applied against the Pandemic the Energy Market Regulatory Board (“Board”), with its decision dated 02/04/2020 and numbered 9276, has decided to extend the terms set forth for certain obligations of legal persons holding pre-license or generation license operating in the electricity market and real and legal persons who have signed a connection agreement within the scope of unlicensed generation facilities for three months. 
In this context, the Board has decided to extend the following terms that have already expired or will expire by or after 10/03/2020 in terms of legal persons holding pre-license or generation licenses under the Electricity Market Licensing Regulation (“Regulation”). The covered terms have been extended only once from the expiration date and for 3 (three) months without any need for an additional decision. The Board has authorized the Electricity Market Department in order to conduct any transactions if needed hereof.
The extended terms are as follows:
1. The pre-license term, the pre-construction period and the construction period under the generation license, the terms within the scope of Provisional Article 15 of the Regulation,
2. The terms regarding the amendment obligations of pre-license or generation license,
3. The terms regarding the obligations deriving from merger or division,
4. The terms regarding the obligations determined within the scope of the production license as a continuation of the old one,
5. The terms set forth for completion of the required information and documents under pre-license or license applications,
6. The terms laid down for the applications foreseen in the second paragraph of Article 18 of the Regulation.
The Board has also extended the term of connection agreements, signed under the Regulation on Unlicensed Electricity Production in Electricity Market, that have been or to be expired by or after 10/03/2020 for three months. 
5 Nisan 2020

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