Embarking on an Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a transformative event for any company, representing a major step towards growth and market expansion. This complex and demanding process requires thorough planning, strict regulatory compliance, and strategic execution. At LBF Partners, we understand the intricacies of going public and are dedicated to providing our clients with the expertise and support needed for a successful IPO.Our team of seasoned legal professionals has remarkable track record to guide clients through each phase- from initial preparations and regulatory filings to post-IPO compliance- ensuring a smooth and successful transition to becoming a public company. With our comprehensive IPO services, our clients can confidently navigate the path to becoming a publicly-traded entity, achieving their business goals and maximizing shareholder value.
Pre-IPO Services
Companies must undertake several critical steps to initiate an IPO process in Türkiye. Our pre-IPO services in this respect include strategic evulation and planning processes in line with the needs of the company to the adaptation of the company's articles of association and organisation to the CMB regulations.
IPO Process Management
The IPO process demands methodical preparation and meticulous review to ensure compliance and accuracy. We prepare an independent lawyer’s opinion based on exhaustive due diligence conducted within the company, achieving a successful public offering. In addition, we provide advisory services to the company and shareholders in meeting all legal requests and questions that may be required for the CMB approval of the public offering and the listing of the shares on Borsa Istanbul.
Post-IPO Services
The completion of the IPO process does not mark the end, but the beginning of a new era. Following the successful completion of an IPO, companies become subject to a new and broader set of capital markets regulations. As LBF Partners team, we support companies in this sensitive period by providing professional and structured step-by-step support to the regulations that most companies face for the first time.
Our post-IPO services in this respect include all areas where public companies may require legal support, from regular consultancy support for legal processes that the investor relations departmant may encounter to reporting and notification obligations that must be complied with within the framework of capital markets legislation.